2025-26 Course Registration
Course registration for our students currently in grades 8-11 is in full swing here at Midland. Those students will be using their Xello program to
Course registration for our students currently in grades 8-11 is in full swing here at Midland. Those students will be using their Xello program to
Students can now sign up to take Drivers Education class here at Midland. This class MAY be limited to 12 students, so if your student
Mrs. Clark’s second graders are making learning measurements fun! Using tape measures and rulers, they’re exploring centimeters and inches all around the classroom.
2025-26 Midland Kindergarten & Preschool Roundup Information Forms - If questions, call the elementary building at 319-259-5340 ext 1300.
Kindergarten: Register using this form. Preschool: Register using this form.