Congratulations to all of our FFA members who competed at Nationals the last week in October. Their chapter was recognized as a three star chapter!

The Ag Issues team was selected as one of the top 5 teams in the nation. Then they moved on to compete in the top 4 competition.  This is the first time any State of Iowa FFA team has placed in the top four at the National FFA Convention. They did an outstanding job representing themselves, their chapter, their school, their community and their state!

They finished 4th in the ENTIRE NATION! Great job team!

Team members include Trenton Rickels, Chiara Dusanek, Isabelle Ricketts, Advisor Jamie Christiansen, Hannah Fishwild, Alivia Smith and Kole Michaud. Advisor Jennifer Westphal not pictured.

Midland’s Agronomy team finished 12th IN THE NATION! Members include Jared Crock, Hope Saroka, Justin Agnitsch and Coy Petersen. Nice job team!

Chiara Dusanek competed and was in the top 10 in the FFA Talent Competition!

FFA BY THE NUMBERS…interesting info from Superintendent Bonjour…

Ag Issues started with 35 teams at the national level and finished in 4th place!

For talent, Chiara was one of 20/100 applicants that applied and is now in the top 10. (Talent placings not announced at publishing time).

This was a first for Midland to have any, let alone both, Ag Issues and Agronomy go past the first round.

In Iowa there are 16,597 students involved in FFA. Nationally there are 735,038. To think that we currently have students that are on a team that is top 4 in the nation and another student competing in the talent portion solo and has made it to finals is nothing short of spectacular.

Our FFA program (89 members) is a very strong one within the state and is representing itself on a national level. I could not be more proud of our students representing our school in Indianapolis, the students back here that help to make our FFA program what it is, and our sponsors and staff that have poured in countless hours to help our students achieve these amazing feats.

Again, CONGRATULATIONS! We are all so very proud of you! You represented yourselves, your chapter, your school, your community and your state in awesome fashion! Hope you have many great memories to take with you the rest of your lives! Keep up the good work!

The public is invited to come celebrate their successes with us on Tuesday, November 2 from 4-6pm in the MMHS cafeteria! Join us! It’s time to celebrate all of their hard work!