Ms. Christiansen is teaching a high school Food Processing class this year. They meet the first two periods of the day to have time to do all that they do. This class was conceived when Ms. Christiansen received a grant to purchase all of the needed inventory items to do these things.
They created an entrepreneurial business named Midland Meats and More. They sell items to students and staff as a way to recoup the disposable part of the expenses like ingredients or canning/freezing supplies – jars, lids, bags, etc.
So far this year they have been busy canning vegetables, making pickles, jam, salsa, banana bread and applesauce. Soon they will transition to working with meats. They will be making brats, snack sticks and jerky for the rest of the semester.
The community has been great with multiple families donating vegetables to the class this fall. The students have even gone out and harvested some of the veggies directly from gardens. These donations have been greatly appreciated.

Here is a list of some of the items they have made or frozen or canned so far: dill pickles, sweet pickles, bread & butter pickles, grape jam, raspberry jam, watermelon jam, pineapple, sliced apples, cinnamon applesauce, diced tomatoes, salsa, spicy salsa, squash, zucchini, and maple breakfast sausage.
Students are required to take the basic Foods class first so they learn safety in the kitchen. These are great skills for our kids to learn, the ability to do it hands on in class is awesome! We are excited to have this added to our course offerings.
If you have meat or vegetables or fruit that you’d like to donate to the class at any time, please contact Ms. C by email at jchristiansen@midland.k12.ia.us or by calling 319-259-5340 ext 2080.