Midland’s Junior-Senior Prom will be held on Saturday, April 29th from 8-11pm. The Grand March will begin promptly at 8pm with the dance following. All Junior and Senior Grand March participants should arrive between 7:30-7:45pm. The public is invited to attend the Grand March. Admission to the Grand March for all school age children and up is $1.
Prom tickets that were purchased can now be picked up from Miss Kelck. If you still need to purchase prom tickets they are $25.00 per person attending and can be purchased at the office. Midland Post Prom
is held immediately following Prom at the high school. Prom will end at 11 pm. Kids will have access to bags in vehicles to change clothing and return dresses and tuxes to cars. This will be supervised. Post Prom will start at 11:15 or after kids are changed. Kids just attending post prom can come to the athletic entrance at 11:15. We are shooting for 2:15 am but may get done early depending on how the night flows.
Post Prom is still in need of volunteers, so if any adult can help out please contact Dena Jensen ASAP – you can email her at denaj1976@gmail.comWe hope everyone has a memorable and SAFE Prom 2023!