Midland will have three different ways that community members can give to our students/families in need this holiday season:
Midland Spanish Club will sponsor a Non-perishable Food Drive from December 1-15. Drop off any non-perishable food items to the office or send with your student to their seminar for a competition. These will all be distributed within the Midland District.
National Honor Society Hat & Mitten Drive – donation boxes will be placed around the Midland community. Hats and mittens of any size are requested and will be distributed to those in need.

Midland Book Angel Program – The Friends of the Wyoming Public Library is conducting their annual Angel Book drive. Drop off a book to either school office, the Wyoming Public Library or any of the businesses listed on the poster below. Donations will be accepted through Mon, December 4th and will be handed out at the school before holiday break. They are hoping to get enough donations so every student in PS-8th grade can take a book home if they desire.

These are all great ways to give if you can. Thanks for caring Eagle Community!