Midland offers Archery Club to students in middle school and high school. They have practices at school and can compete in competitions. If more questions, contact one of the sponsors:
The Midland Archery Club is a part of the National Archery in Schools Program (NASP) and is open to students in grades 6-12. The season runs from December to the end of February. Practices are held in the middle/high school cafeteria. Most tournaments are on Saturdays in January and February. There is a cost to participate that covers purchase of a jersey and equipment. All student archers use and compete with the Genesis Bow and Easton 1830 aluminum arrows. The club provides this equipment, but students are welcome to purchase and shoot their own.
We are always looking for parents who are interested in helping with the program. All coaches are volunteers. There is a Basic Archery Instructor (BAI) course and certificate to obtain for adults interested in volunteering. The BAI course is held at various times and locations. Some are offered all in person and others are hybrid with learning done online and then a 4 hour field day. Visit https://naspbai.org/Classsearch.aspx to search for a class.
To learn more contact one of our coaches, visit our Midland Archery Club Facebook page, or the NASP website https://www.naspschools.org/