Midland Lunch Program Secretary – Erika Tubbs – 319-259-5340 x 1300
Meals this year will be provided directly by the school and it’s local kitchen employees.
Lunch money can be sent to the school office using either check or cash. If writing a check, please do not include anything else with it, only lunch funds should go into the lunch bank account. Thanks for your help with this important detail.
Lunch Application and info:
Free and reduced lunch program is available to all who qualify, which includes one breakfast and one lunch each school day. Applicants need to turn the completed application form into the school office. It must then be validated by the lunch program secretary at the Oxford Junction center, so please turn it in before the first day of school or upon transfer to Midland. You will be notified as to your qualification. If questions, contact Erika Tubbs at 319-259-5340 x 1300 or email her at etubbs@midland.k12.ia.us
2024-25 Meal Prices:
Student Lunch PS-5th – $3.50 per meal
Student Lunch 6th-12th – $3.75 per meal
Adult Lunch – $4.85 per meal
Extra Entree – $2.10 per item
Student breakfast – $2.85 per meal
Adult breakfast – $2.95 per meal
Milk – $0.50 per carton
Ala Carte Items – market price
Midland accepts cash or check to pay for meals. Payment should be made to the building secretary each morning for deposit by lunch time. Parents can check their student meal account balance and see the purchases in their account by going to PowerSchool and clicking on “Balance” in the left hand navigational column.
Parents of middle/high school students are asked to discuss with their children their thoughts on purchasing ala carte items. Students can go through a lot of lunch money if they make many purchases of these items. These items are all charged at full price to ALL students (free/reduced lunches only include one breakfast and one lunch per day per student).
2024-25 Free/Reduced School Lunch Program
We strongly encourage everyone to fill this form out, you just never know if you will qualify. The funds are there to help those who need it. These lists are highly confidential. If at any time during the year you feel you might qualify due to an income change, again we encourage you to fill it out. If you have questions please contact Erika at the elementary building.
24-25 Informational Letter (includes income eligibility guidelines)
24-25 Lunch Application How To Apply for Free and Reduced Price School Lunches
24-25 Lunch Application Form – this can be used all year and resubmitted if your family income changes during the school year!
Please return or mail the completed application to Midland Elementary c/o Erika Tubbs, PO Box F, Oxford Junction, IA 52323
Parents are always welcome to come have lunch with your student. Just bring your drivers license to be scanned through Raptor as a visitor and bring $4.85 to purchase an adult lunch. Lunches are generally served sometime between 11AM-1PM in both buildings. Call the building secretary for exact time for your student.