Important Contacts
Nurse Jessica Current ~ Phone: 319-259-5340 x 1400 ~ FAX: 563-826-2681
Nursing Assistant Kayla Paulsen ~ Phone: 319-259-5340 x 1450 ~ FAX: 563-488-2253
These ladies alternate buildings daily between the elementary and secondary, so calling the extensions listed above will go to the building (1400 is OJ / 1450 is Wyo) but if it goes to voicemail it will go to that individual.
Student Symptoms of Illness Guidelines
Visual Chart – I Need To Stay Home If…
We want to remind parents of students entering 7th, 9th, and 12th grade that for the 2023-24 school year we will need the following information:
7th grade (and older) students: parents must ensure student has received BOTH: Tdap (Tetanus/Acellular Pertussis) vaccination booster AND a Meningococcal vaccination on or after 10th birthday.
9th grade students: parents must provide proof student has had a dental screening by a dental professional within the last 12 months
12th grade students: parents must ensure student has received 2 DOSES of Meningococcal vaccine; or 1 dose if first dose was received at 16 years of age or older. Technically the law states any 12th grader who has not rec’d their first meningococcal should NOT be able to attend school.
Here is a list of full health requirements to attend public school in Iowa (more info below):
Midland CSD Pre-Enrollment Health Requirements
Please be sure to take care of these items this summer and get proof to the school office by the first day of school if you have not already done so.
Thanks for your help with meeting these requirements.
Students entering grade 7 and grade 12 must be vaccinated against meningococcal disease in order to attend school in the state of Iowa.
The change requires a one-time dose of meningococcal (A, C, W, Y) vaccine received on or after 10 years of age for applicants in grades 7 and above, if born after September 15, 2004; and 2 doses of meningococcal (A, C, W, Y) vaccines for applicants in grade 12, if born after September 15, 1999; or 1 dose if received when applicants are 16 years of age or older. This aligns with the recommendations by the national Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices.
One dose of meningococcal vaccine before seventh grade. If a student had the first dose as a sixth grader, then another dose is not required until grade 12.
A total of two doses are required before grade 12. Most students entering grade 12 received their first dose when they were younger and will be due for their second dose, or booster. This booster is needed because protection from the vaccine decreases over time.
The only teens that will NOT need a second dose before grade 12 are those who received their first dose on or after their 16th birthday. Parents are encouraged to check with their children’s physicians prior to the start of the new school year to determine when or if they need to be vaccinated. A valid Certificate of Immunization with the new meningococcal vaccine will need to be submitted to the school the child is enrolling or attempting to enroll. If you do not have insurance or your insurance does not pay for vaccines, contact Dallas County Public Health at 515-993-3750 or 515-465-2483.
Meningococcal disease is a severe bacterial infection that can lead to meningitis (inflammation of the lining covering the brain and spinal cord) and bloodstream infections such as septicemia. Symptoms of the disease include a high fever, headache, vomiting, a stiff neck and a rash. Those who contract the disease may experience permanent brain damage, hearing loss, kidney failure, loss of arms or legs, or chronic nervous system problems.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has found the highest rates of meningococcal disease to be among preteens, teens, and young adults, as well as among infants with certain medical conditions. The new law targets many in this age group and aligns with the CDC’s recommendation to vaccinate 11- to 18-year-olds against meningococcal disease.
To learn more about meningitis and how to prevent it visit
PLEASE SEND PROOF OF VACCINATION TO THE HIGH SCHOOL OFFICE ASAP. Thanks for your help with this state mandate!
Remember students & staff, to stay healthy at all times please follow these steps:
- Bathe at least every other day
- Keep hands AWAY from your face
- Avoid dehydration
- Get enough SLEEP, 8-10 hours per night is needed for growing bodies
The following information can also be found in your child’s student handbook.
- temperature of 100.4 or higher
- severe sore throat
- vomiting
- diarrhea
- undiagnosed body rash
- inflammation of the eyes
- significant fatigue/tiredness
It is asked by the school district that your child be free of any of the above symptoms for 24 hours before they come back to school. If your child has a 99.0 or higher temp in the am, PLEASE DO NOT give them fever reducing medication and send them to school. A low grade temp like that is actually a good thing when a child is on the mend from a virus. I would much rather receive a note telling me what the temp was before school and the reason why you decided it was OK for them to attend school. For example; my child denied having a headache or a stomach ache this AM or my child slept well and ate well last evening. If your child has one or more of the above symptoms, your child most likely has a communicable infection. For State attendance records it is vital we receive a written note or phone call from you to define your child’s absence. If your child has been ill it would be so appreciated if you could also include a phone number that I might reach you at during that day.
Common sense should rule. You know your child best. When your child is not his or her self, is overly tired or crabby, is suffering from a cold or just a terrible harsh cough, a day resting at home will help their body fight an infection and get them back to normal quicker. Commonly, when your child feels this way, they get little or nothing out their school lessons anyway and in the meantime stand the chance of spreading their illness on to another student.
Here is an article shared by the Des Moines Register – it can provide some ideas from a nurse’s perspective of how to stay well.
Click here to see a complete listing of all medical requirements for students to enroll in school:
If you have specific questions please feel free to contact me any time.
Iowa Immunization Program Brochure from Iowa Department of Public Health
Recommended Immunization Schedules for Persons Aged 0 through 18 Years
Any student who needs to take any type of medication, either over the counter or prescription, during the school day will need to complete this MEDICATION PERMISSION FORM. The medication will need to be in the original container with the original label stating what it is and who it is for if prescription. If you need to take some out for home, please do so and only send the quantity your child will need to take at school.
We strongly encourage parents to give their children their medication at home when possible. IF a medication needs given three times per day please consider giving it at home before school, after school and at bedtime. We want to keep as much medication out of school as possible. If you have specific concerns please feel to contact me at any time.
NEW for 23-24: MMHS Tylenol Authorization Form – students will only receive 10 doses from school stock prior to needing to bring their own with a medication permission form signed.
ASTHMA: Students who carry an inhaler of any kind at school will need the following form filled out by their doctor and on file in the office. Authorization for Self Administration of Asthma and Airway Constricting Medication Form
The State of Iowa requires all students entering Kindergarten and 9th grade to have a Iowa Department of Public Health Certificate of Dental Screening completed and on file in the nurse’s office. We encourage you to have your dentist complete this form prior to kindergarten and then again during the student’s 8th grade year or summer prior to 9th grade. Please send the completed form to the office as soon as completed so we can file it to take care of this requirement.
CHAPTER 51 DENTAL SCREENING: 641 – 51.1(135) Purpose. The purpose of the dental screening requirement is to improve the oral health of Iowa’s children. Dental screenings will facilitate early detection and referral for treatment of dental disease; reduce the incidence, impact, and cost of dental disease; inform parents and guardians of their children’s dental problems; encourage the establishment of effective oral health practices early in life; promote the importance of oral health as an integral component of preparation for school and learning; and contribute to statewide surveillance of oral health. These rules will enhance the I-Smile dental home concepts of prevention, education, care coordination, and treatment to provide a critical step in closing the gap in access to dental care for underserved children. 641 – 51.3(135) Persons included.The dental screening requirements specified in this chapter apply to all persons seeking first-time enrollment in kindergarten or ninth grade in a public or accredited nonpublic elementary school or high school in Iowa.
Dental Screening Frequently Asked Questions
All parents of students in kindergarten and 3rd grade need to complete a Iowa Department of Public Health Certificate of Vision Screening and have it on file at the school. See the nurse if you have any questions about this new state requirement.
Senate File 419, which was passed by the 2013 legislature REQUIRES a parent or guardian of all Kindergarten and 3rd grade students to provide proof of a vision screening for their child. The screening can be no earlier than one year before and no later than six months after the date of their child’s enrollment into Kindergarten AND 3rd grade. The vision screening may be conducted by a physician, advanced nurse practitioner, physician assistant, local public health department, public or accredited nonpublic school, community based organization, free clinic, or child care center. Although a comprehensive eye examination by an ophthalmologist or optometrist meets the requirement of this law, it is not required.
Any time you take your child in to get immunizations, please have the provider update the immunization record and send a copy to the school office so we can update our records. It is a state requirement that students have certain immunizations and that the school have proof of the immunizations and dates. Your cooperation with this ongoing item is greatly appreciated.
Unfortunately head lice will probably always be an issue in schools. Please help us by keeping a close watch on your child’s head and talk to them about not sharing hats or hanging their coats too closely together in winter.
Here is some helpful information: Tips for detection of lice
If you have questions, please feel free to contact me at any time. I am here to help you!
Hawk-I Health Coverage Information
Get Covered. Get In The Game.
Access to affordable health care benefits shows up on the field and in the classroom. On the field, on stage, on the court or in the pool, hawk-i health coverage will continue once the season ends.
hawk-i is low cost or free care coverage. The amount you pay is based on your family’s income.Some families pay nothing. Other families may have to pay between $10 and $40 a month for their hawk-i coverage.
You can find their income guidelines on their website hawk-i website
For more information contact them at 1-800-257-8563, Monday to Friday, 8AM-6PM.
Boots, belts, snowpants, sweatpants, mittens, gloves, scarves are always needed at both building levels to help our students. I can’t keep enough in stock so I appreciate your hand-me-downs. I find it difficult to find them second hand or at Goodwill.
If you are cleaning out the closet and have black, brown, or braided “leather” belts that you would like to get rid of, I will take them!
We can always find a home for gently used and new boots. So please keep this in mind. Boots for the elementary (grades PS-5th) need to be at least size 1 with the most used sizes 5-9. Boots need to be waterproof. For Wyoming it is the opposite, don’t bother sending in winter water proof boots or warm winter coats. They won’t take or wear them. BUT, as I found out, the girls love the new warmer “fashion” boots.
I want to thank all of you who have sent in items!
Other helpful information for parents:
Medical Statement for School Nutrition Programs (Diet Modification Request)