Missing links are in the process of being updated and will be added once approved for the upcoming year. If you need it before then, contact the office.
- 211 – Help is 3 Numbers Away
- Annual Notice Regarding Records
- Bound – Activities Calendar
- Bus/Transportation Info – including Routes & Hard Surface Routes
- E-Registration Information
- Facilities/Building Use – online form submits to office
- Family Handbook – school rules and expectations
- Lunch Progam Information– Includes menu, free/reduced lunch program application and info.
- Open enrollment Application 2024-26
- ParentSquare your first notification for school schedule changes and important information. Create your account today! www.parentsquare.com/signin Contact the school office for access code information.
- Payment of Fees Form
- Preschool/Kindergarten Roundup Sign-up – Please contact Erika at the Elementary School 319-259-5340, extension 1300 or email etubbs@midland.k12.ia.us with any questions
- Preschool Handbook
- Wrap Care Handbook
- School Calendar
- School Fees
- School Newsletter – news deadline is the 20th of each month to mihansen@midland.k12.ia.us
- School Supply List
- Student Opt Out Form – sign and turn in if you don’t want your child to be photographed or filed for use in print, television, film, District website, social media or other internet publications. Needs submitted annually to opt out.
- Technology Device Agreement – signed during e-registration parent permissions process
- Technology Device Insurance– *OPTIONAL*
- Technology Policy – signed during e-registration parent permissions process
- Volunteers, Chaperones, Drivers
When it comes to weather related and school schedule change announcements we will be utilizing ParentSquare messaging again this year. We will also post on Facebook and get information to the news organizations as soon as a decision is made. At this time, the news organizations that we are set up with are: KMAQ (Radio), KCRG TV 9, WQAD TV 8, and KCCK. The Superintendent will also email the Telegraph Herald.
The school building is locked each day while in session. Visitors will need to ring the door bell and report immediately to the office. To go beyond the office all visitors must have their drivers license or ID with them and be scanned through our Raptor Visitor System and receive a visitors badge for the day.