Senior Information


Graduation Date: Sunday, May 18

2:00 PM

Gold Gym

Colors: Black & Gold

Flower: Peony

Motto: “Live as if you were to die tomorrow, and learn as if you were to live forever.”

Senior class trip: Apr 4-5 to Mall of Ameria – more details when available

Senior class sponsor: Mackenzie Lasack

Senior class photo – TBD – see Mrs. Lasack if questions.

Application Day – TBD – in entryway all day, get help with applying for college. Bring social security number and form of payment in case your school has an application fee

FSA ID Help – TBD – see Mrs. Lasack if questions.

Jostens Senior Meeting – October 9th during 1st period in cafeteria – to order caps/gowns/tassels and any other desired senior items. Graduation gowns/caps/tassels will be paid for using funds raised by the senior class. Each senior must order one to participate in the graduation ceremony. If issues see Mrs. Lasack.

FAFSA night – TBD sometime in January – see Mrs. Lasack if questions.

Starting in December – All seniors must complete the Google Form titled “2025 Senior Exit Information – Guidance“, we will use the info to complete state reporting requirements, to come up with a number of parents graduation seats needed reserved, and will provide information to the newspapers for graduation. This is important info and needs submitted by April 15th by ALL seniors. By Dec 20th by early graduates.

SENIOR CHECKOUT SHEETS AVAILABLE– all seniors should pick one up from the office. Early grads will get this in early December and is due before the last day of Semester 1. All others, pick up May 6 and due back by 3:30 on May 14th. Start early with the staff members you do NOT have class with currently. Be sure all sports apparel has been turned in, all books returned, lunch debts paid, etc. Michelle will be second to last to sign, Mrs. Willms will be the final signature, so see all others first.

SENIOR SLIDE SHOW completed and to the principal for approval by May 2nd.

SENIOR SILVER SERVICE hours due to the principal by May 2nd. If you think you qualify to receive the honor chord for Silver Service please email Mrs. Willms at ASAP to discuss your hours.

ACADEMIC AWARDS CEREMONY – TBD at 6PM in commons all seniors and their family/friends invited to attend. Open to the public. We will honor those who have received scholarships and other academic awards. This event will be broadcast live on STRIVE TV.

BACCALAUREATE – immediately following Academic Awards Ceremony, around 7pm on TBD in the commons at the high school. All seniors and family members are invited to attend. This is not school sponsored, but sponsored by the Midland Council of Churches. Invitations are being mailed out from the council to all seniors.

DECISION DAY and COLLEGE ATHLETE SIGNING DAY will be held on TBDduring seminar 12:30-1 in the Gold Gym. We will celebrate the Class of 2025 and their postsecondary goals! Seniors should wear t-shirts or apparel showing where they will be next year/what they will be doing. If questions, see a counselor. Guests are invited to attend. 

ELEMENTARY SCHOOL WALK AT OLIN – TBD – 1:15-2:00 following Decision Day

SENIORS LAST REGULAR SCHOOL DAY – TBD final regular scheduled school day where seniors will attend all classes. Turn all work in to teachers, get checkout sheets signed.

TECHNOLOGY RETURNS – turn in chromebook, charger, and bag TBD between 9:30-12:00. Any damages/replacement fees need paid by Friday at noon to participate in the graduation ceremony, Mr. Greenfield will be checking everything. Let us know when turning in if you feel you have issues so they can be figured out promptly. Must turn in the numbered charger assigned to you in August or pay $20 replacement fee.

SENIOR CHECKOUT DAY – TBD by 3:30PM Get your checkout sheet signed by all staff listed and returned to the office. All lunch bills and other outstanding debts need paid by this time as well.

SENIOR CLASS TRIP – TBD to Minnesota – more details to come

SENIOR BREAKFAST TBD at 8:30am in Events Entry for all seniors.

ELEMENTARY SCHOOL WALK – TBD seniors will load a bus immediately following breakfast. Senior walk through Midland Elementary, wearing graduation gowns.

GRADUATION PRACTICE -TBD- immediately following Elementary Walk – should be done around 10:30. REQUIRED for all seniors planning on participating in the graduation ceremony! DON’T BE LATE!

ALL SENIOR BILLS DUEMay 16 @ 12PM – Any seniors with outstanding bills payable to Midland Schools must be paid in full in order to participate in the graduation ceremony. This includes prior fees owed, registration fees, technology repairs, lunch accounts and Jostens bills.

GRADUATIONMay 18 all seniors be in the library ready to go by 1:30. Parents/family members are welcome to take photos in the library from 1:30-1:55 prior to the graduation ceremony. This is the last time the seniors will all be together in one location.

Photos – We will have a backdrop for pictures and we will also do a full class photo. If questions, see Mrs. Lasack or Mrs. Willms.

May 18 – 2PM – Graduation – Doors will open at 1:00 sharp for guests. The parent section will be the first 4 rows of seats, they will be first come first serve. If parents require special seating needs such as wheel chair space please be sure to call the high school office by May 15th. All other guests (siblings, grandparents, family/friends) are welcome to sit in bleachers or the seats behind these reserved rows. Ushers will help with seating issues as needed. The graduation ceremony will be broadcast live on Facebook Live “Midland CSD”.

Official Senior Transcripts will be mailed out to the school of your choice the first week of June. Students entered their school choice in the Senior Guidance Checkout Google Form back in January. If this has changed, just let Michelle in the office know where to send them. Students/parents can request to have an unofficial copy sent to them. Official copies need sent directly to the school or workplace as needed. Just call the office if at any time you need one, they will just need: student name, date of birth, graduation year, and the address/email/fax # to send it to.



Your son/daughter will be given their immunization form at graduation practice on May 18th in an envelope – KEEP THIS IN A SAFE PLACE cause once we give it back WE don’t have it! They will need this to enroll in college whether it is this year or 30 years from now.


You can’t believe the calls we get from people who graduated 2 years ago to those who graduated 40 years ago, where an employer requires a diploma. We don’t have those, you do! We can issue a transcript, but that is the best we can do of proof of graduation. This is an important legal document, put it in a safe location, fireproof if possible.

SENIOR CLASS PHOTOS: Thanks to Stacie Cronkleton of The Photography Mill who took senior class photos. See her if you didn’t get one ordered and wanted one.

GRADUATION EDITION OF LOCAL NEWSPAPER: The Anamosa Journal will run a special graduation edition which includes our senior class in May. Those papers are for sale in the district at Holly’s Town Supermarket in Wyoming and TLZ and Coon’s Corner in OJ. Seniors were emailed a google survey to collect this information in December, if questions, stop in the office.


The Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Center recognizes seniors who donate blood 8 times prior to graduation. Student would receive a red cord to wear at graduation.

To participate contact the HS office as well as Sharee at or call 563-823-4128 so we can get all of the details ironed out with you.

Gallon Grad Informational Poster


Workplace Learning Connection helps our students set up Job Shadows. They will be scheduled sometime during the senior academic year. Students must complete all of the required components of the job shadow to graduate. Any questions, contact the guidance office.

86,000 hours of your life will be invested in your future career! Make a wise investment in your future career today by exploring career options through the Workplace Learning Connection job shadow and student internship programs. These experiences can help you make those important future education and career decisions.

Program Coordinator phone 319-398-1040


You can fill out your FAFSA form as soon as October 1. Some schools have early deadlines including the University of Iowa and Iowa State University which are December 1 for next fall enrollment. You must have it filed by then to receive the maximum financial aid available. You would fill out the FAFSA form by using your tax information from last year.

Don’t forget to check with the schools you are applying to for their deadline and fill out your FAFSA form as soon as possible. Most colleges use this financial information to determine your eligibility for scholarships, loans, grants, etc. To receive the maximum amount possible you must have your FAFSA filed by their deadline.

Free Application for Federal Student Aid  (FREE – USE THIS SITE!)


Watch scholarship dates closely, try to get your scholarship applications mailed in early if at all possible. Those received late will generally not be considered.

Check out the Scholarship Information for updated listing for scholarships as they become available.

Fastweb is a free search service for locating scholarship opportunities. This service is 15 years old. Their database contains over 1.5 million scholarships valued at $3.4 billion.

Their website has both student and parent information areas with a lot of good information.

This site allows you to search by specific colleges for merit based scholarships