

At Midland, we have high expectations of our students and fans. Included in these expectations is the idea that we will follow the initiatives that are set forth by the governing bodies of our activities (IHSAA/IGHSAU/MUSIC/SPEECH).

Part of the state’s policies include the prohibition of noisemakers/banners at contests. The actual wording from the state’s policy is listed below.

While we cannot enforce these policies on other schools, especially at their home sites, we would appreciate our fans and students following them. Unfortunately, the penalty for failure to adhere to the school’s request to follow these guidelines is a warning and then possible ejection from the contest.

Direct quote from the IHSAA Football manual: “No banners or noisemakers (cowbells, air horns, thunder sticks, etc.) will be permitted at any postseason football contest, including the UNI-Dome at any time, whether it is a first round, second round, quarterfinal, semifinal, or championship game. This prohibition of noisemakers includes any sirens, cannon explosions, fireworks, or bells that are sounded after a home team score.”

“The Board of Control of the IHSAA adopted a policy that shirts and shoes will be the required attire for all in attendance at any indoor IHSAA-sponsored athletic events. In the sport of football, this rule would apply to the UNI_Dome in Cedar Falls.”

“No items deemed a safety hazard (helmets, etc.) will be permitted to be worn at any postseason football contest, including the UNI-Dome at any time, whether first round, second round, quarterfinal, semifinal, or championship game.”