Current Events Class Tours KCRG

On Tuesday, December 3rd, the students in Current Events got an opportunity to visit the studios at KCRG TV-9 in Cedar Rapids.  Within the tour, they got to see the office area where the personalities do their off air work.  The next step was going into the electronics room where people monitor the nine stations that are working within the parameters of KCRG. 

The main focus of the trip was spent in the news studio where the live broadcasts took place.  The class was also joined by evening anchor Jim Mertens who took the time from his busy day to discuss relevant issues with the students. Initially, the students had contacted a TV personality with an inquiry about how they select stories to be aired.  Mr. Mertens took the time to give senior Jordin Maners a detailed response. 

Students were able to speak to a number of employees at the TV station, and it was a fantastic way to add to the curriculum for the Current Events class.  I would like to thank the administration for allowing us to go, and Mrs. Zirkelbach and Liz Frickson for helping escort.  The students that attended showed the respect, responsibility, and personal best that we at Midland have come to expect.  

Mr. Eberhard, Current Events Instructor