1) An infected person is out of school for 10 days from the onset of symptoms.
2) A person who has been in close contact with an exposed person is out of school for
14 days from the last day of exposure
The Midland School District continues to follow the CDC and Jones County guidance of
a 14-day quarantine when a student is considered a close contact. Although there have
been other options brought forward to shorten quarantines, the CDC continues to
recommend a 14-day quarantine guidance to be “best practice” as the incubation period
may last beyond 10 days.
If students were to return to school prior to the 14 days, the CDC and IDPH require that
students must stay masked up, must be able to social distance, must continue
sanitation practices, and must monitor their health daily. Due to these restrictions,
students would not be able to eat with other students, attend certain classes where
social distancing is not possible, and could not participate in extra-curricular activities.
On Thursday, January 28, 2021, the Midland School Board voted to continue with the
14 day quarantine period for students who have had close contact with an infected
individual. Midland has been very fortunate to have low exposure rates throughout the
year, and we hope to continue this trend by following these “best practices