Semester 1 Honor Rolls
Congratulations to all MMHS students who achieved Honor Roll status for the first semester.
Congratulations to all MMHS students who achieved Honor Roll status for the first semester.
Midland had five students who participated in the 2025 TriRivers Conference Honor Band on January 13th at Maquoketa Valley. Congrats to our participants: Logan Gravel, Carter Willms, Kam Sagers, Kam Smith and Landon Moore.
Midland Spanish Club and FFA groups joined forces to conduct a school wide food drive during November and December. All items were donated to food pantries in the Midland District. Seminars collecting the most were: High School – Mr. Eberhard and Middle School – Mr. Willms. Thanks to all wo
Members of the HOPE Group spread Holiday cheer by helping facilitate festivities with Elementary students.
On Tuesday, December 3rd, the students in Current Events got an opportunity to visit the studios at KCRG TV-9 in Cedar Rapids. Within the tour, they got to see the office area where the personalities do their off air work. The next step was going into the electronics room where
Due to the holidays, we will be holding our December School Board Meeting on Dec 18. From our family to yours, we wish you and your family the happiest of holidays!
Midland now uses Simbli for school board items. You can access school board agendas and minutes starting September 23, 2024 as well as all school policies through Simbli at this link: Simbli’s mission is helping boards lead and govern effectively and operate efficiently. Simbli helps automate many of the
Midland Ag/Science Teacher Jamie Christiansen was named the national recipient of the 2024 CASE Innovation Award and accepted the award on October 23rd at the FFA National Convention. Jamie said “The application included showing how innovation practices have been implemented in the program. The things that I focussed on in
The Media Class will be putting together a Midland Middle/High School Yearbook. The estimated delivery date will be June 16, 2025. There will be a hard and soft cover option. The cost per book will be from $23.00 -$31.00. Use the QR code to order.
Midland CSD has a vacancy on our Board of Education for an At Large Director. This term expires September 2025. If you are interested in applying for this position, please fill out this School Board Election Candidate Survey and return it to the District Office by dropping it off, emailing
2025-26 Midland Kindergarten & Preschool Roundup Information Forms - If questions, call the elementary building at 319-259-5340 ext 1300.
Kindergarten: Register using this form. Preschool: Register using this form.